Wednesday, January 25, 2012

LiftMaster | The Shrink with Garage Door Monitor

A woman decides she needs professional help installing her garage door opener in this 30-second, LiftMaster-branded commercial. The spot also features LiftMaster's Garage Door Monitor.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

iPhone controlled garage door opener using Arduino

A pieced together hack that allows for a PHP page with a button to trigger a relay on an Arduino board that acts as a button press for the garage door opener. All the code was pretty much hacked together, and has a lot of polishing to do on all parts, but as a proof of concept, it's a start. Uses: XAMPPlite, Arduino Duemilanove Refrences: (RuthJ180

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

How To Program the Garage Door Opener in Your Car - Programming A Car Garage Door Opener (HD)

"1 Minute with Glenn" This video features Glenn Mayhugh of Mercedes-Benz of Austin. Glenn is Delivery Specialist at Mercedes-Benz of Austin in Austin, Texas. This video shows how to change and program your garage door opener with a rolling code in your mercedes-benz. Visit our website for more helpful videos. Check us out on facebook:

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Monday, January 2, 2012

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